Create a new Boat Booking

Booking creation process and where to begin

The AndroNautic Planner allows you to view the calendar of your boats and those of your partners.

If a boat has rates configured for the date you will see a light blue band and you will be able to see a table of prices according to the duration of the booking. If there are no rates the system will only offer you to add a mark to the calendar.In the available schedules you will be able to enter new reservations by selecting a start and end date for the reservation. For reservations of one day or less double click on the date. You will have 3 options:

  • New booking: Bookings of at least a full day

  • Booking By Hours

  • New Mark


Then you will have a Menu to configure your booking.

  1.  Direct booking. No agency involved. It is important to assign a team user so that the management of the booking is assigned and shows on the team dashboards. The Agency field will be automatically filled with your direct agency and you should not edit it.

  2. Agency booking. Select the agency from your CRM. You will still need to assign a team member to manage the booking with the agency..

Date, price and discounts.

Pax: Nº of people in the booking party..

Promotion code: Enter a promotional code from a previously created discount.

Add custom discounts: You will be able to add a discount instantly, by a percentage or a defined amount.

Schedules: If its a booking by hours, you'll be able to edit the booking time.

In case you do one-way bookings, you'll be able to select a different port for release port, and edit the date range.

Customize prices: The system fills in the prices you have defined for the boat and the duration- However you can always edit them at the moment of creating the booking. If justified, you will be able to edit the applicable tax (e.g. foreign companies).

If you want the reservations to be confirmed with a first partial payment, please check the configuration in this link.


In the Extra tab you'll see the mandatory extras already added, and the optionals available.
Once you select an extra click the button recalculate to see the new booking totals.


For linking a client to a booking.

Start typing the name or any field and the system will suggest matching entries. If it is new it will automatically be saved to your listing.

The "Send email to:" buttons will allow you to send a confirmation when you save this new booking to the client, agency or linked provider/owner.


Basic information on privacy:
The person responsible for the treatment is THE BLUE GUEST SL. The purpose is the management of our diffusion list and the sending of commercial communications. The legal basis is your consent. 

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